Episode 25

March 06, 2025



Hosted by

Lola Singer Amaral Valle-Torres Pamela Brown
Welcome to Woo-Woo-Ville: The Next Stop on Your Spiritual Journey

Mar 06 2025 | 00:58:27


Show Notes

Have you declared your "I AM" presence yet?

A major part of the spiritual journey is stripping away the parts of you that no longer feel authentic, the "I AM NOTS", in order to find the authentic you free of indoctrination and created from love.

Self-love leads to unconditional love.

In this episode, Pamela, Amaral, and Lola discuss the importance of shedding what no longer works for you and stepping into your powerful "I AM Presence" using tools such as journaling, meditating, communing with nature, and creating art hat helped them personally to release falsehoods and to tap into their true power as reflections of the divine within us all.

If we can do it, you can, too. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to Woowooville, the next stop on your spiritual journey. Hosted by three fellow travelers who found a soul connection on the path to higher consciousness. Our goal is to help you navigate the choppy waters you're likely to encounter on the spiritual path by sharing our experience with you each week. Join us as we spill the tea on what it's like to wake up to your authentic self. My name is Amaral. [00:00:30] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Lola Singer and our co host Pamela Brown is not available this week. She's on a hiatus. I hope we'll be seeing her again soon. And in the meantime, you have two fellow travelers on the road to higher consciousness. I'm Lola. I am a tarot reader. I draw spirit spirit guides. I love the Woo Woo. I've been studying esoterics for 13 years now with the same master teacher and I love diving deep. And that was Amaral slurping on some water. And what else do you do, Amaral? [00:01:12] Speaker A: My name is Ameril and I am a hairstylist. I also do spiritual work at I do hair, of course. I am a Reiki master as well as I am. I am a breath work facilitator and I provide breath work sessions every other week and usually those are free. So if you would like be in, if you are interested in it, please reach out at our Woo Woo. Welcome to Woo Woo Bell Facebook page. You can find me there or at my Facebook page at Amerlvay Taurus. [00:01:57] Speaker B: Yes. Hi and Pamela. Ameril and I met each other a few years ago at some local events at metaphysical store in our area called Mystical Wares and also through our friend Samantha's Reiki circle. We feel we're very lucky because we feel like not only are we soul family, we kind of remember being together in other lives. So it feels like home when we're talking and we're hoping that it feels like home when we're sharing with you guys too. Because our goal is to really help you understand things we didn't understand at the beginning of our spiritual journeys because we renewed all this too. I was totally indoctrinated. Remember, I was a full blown, almost card carrying atheist and I wasn't very happy. I was jaded, I was cynical. I was not looking at the world as an opportunity. I was looking at it as something that was weighing me down. And thank goodness I've had a shift mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually so that I know what it's like when you just are beginning the process. Because unlike some psychics or you know, People in the metaphysical world who remember things from an early age. Oh, you know, I was doing this when I was three years old. I was doing light language and talking to fairies. And, you know, I remember lives where I was preaching on a hill next to Jesus. Whatever it was, you know, it is nothing I remembered. So this has been a slow process of unveiling for me. And it has been for you too, right? [00:03:46] Speaker A: Yes. And today's topic is going to be I am your I am Presence. So your I am Presence, it's also your divine presence within you. We found out some information here too, because we wanted to make sure that we kind of covered the topic more fully. So reaching your I am Presence refers to the spiritual concept of connecting to your higher self, your pure awareness and potential, your inner peace in your connection to a higher power. Now, your I am Presence, it's also a lot of the times. The reason why we wanted to cover this topic too is because there's kind of a little bit of confusion sometimes when it comes to your I am Presence. As far as a lot of people would say, well, first of all, how do you. What takes to reach your I am Presence? So your I am Presence is to find the Divine Presence within you. You obviously spent time with yourself on uncovering it. So to reach your I am Presence, certain practices will help you, such as meditation, mindfulness, spending time in nature, prayer, self reflection, and actively cultivating gratitude. Those are just some of the practices that can take you there. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Well, maybe we should talk about how those practices worked in our lives. [00:05:32] Speaker A: Okay. [00:05:32] Speaker B: Maybe that'd be helpful for people. And before we dive in, I think it might give us a little more clarity if we understand that the I am Presence is your higher self. [00:05:45] Speaker A: Yes. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Or the divine Presence within you, your consciousness, your conscious awareness that you are connected to all that is. So that's a big topic. And we are certainly indoctrinated to believe that we're small and we're not connected and we truly are. So it kind of goes back to. I was thinking of that part in the Bible where the voice in the burning bush says, I am that I am, when Moses is trying to get a name for that presence, I am that I am. And that is exactly what the Divine Presence wants to be us. [00:06:22] Speaker A: Yes. [00:06:23] Speaker B: So that's. If you see the Tree of Life in Kabbalah, there was an awareness, a consciousness of everything that is. And it said, I want to experience myself in ways that are more tangible. So this etheric presence is us in material form, and it experiences life through us. So I don't think people often understand how important you are and your body and the life lessons you're learning and the way you get out of scrapes and you rebalance yourself. The I am presence is learning from you. [00:07:02] Speaker A: Yep. Because we are all just. Consciousness is expanding by learning and by living our experiences to. We kind of are the ones that were brought into. Well, we signed up to come to planet Earth to expand consciousness, and that means the full growth of ourselves by many experiences, by experiencing emotions, but also within that too. So part of being on our higher. [00:07:33] Speaker B: Self, it's not just emotions, it's sensation. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Yes. Sensations. Thank you. [00:07:39] Speaker B: Because the I am presence cannot touch itself. I'm touching my hand right now. I am presence is learning what it's like to experience itself through the touch of my hand on my other hand, my fingers on my hand. So that is the experience because everything's about expansion and the I am Presence about learning, not just through us, but through many different ways. But it cannot understand what it's like to be physical unless it has an expression of itself that is physical. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Yep. And also on your I am presence is connecting with your higher self, which is your higher self is the God aspect of you, the one that is divine within you. So that means you are part of the divine. You are literally an expansion of God. [00:08:39] Speaker B: I like when they say spark. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Yes. Spark of God. Yes. [00:08:42] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. So it exists beyond duality. So there's no masculine or feminine. It just is. And so this is what I guess a lot of people would call God. I think there's a lot of religious training there that makes us think God's a man in the sky with a beard. No, see, there's no. There's no masculine or feminine at this level of energy. [00:09:12] Speaker A: Yes. [00:09:12] Speaker B: It's just awareness and expansion and growth. [00:09:14] Speaker A: Yeah. And there's also no time within this present presence too. So it wants to learn what it's. [00:09:24] Speaker B: Like to experience time. [00:09:26] Speaker A: Yep. [00:09:26] Speaker B: Yep. [00:09:27] Speaker A: So another thing too, when you say I am, you're speaking more for who you are, meaning you're talking about present term. One of the things we were talking about is how when we focus too much on either the past of the few or the future, then certain emotions can erase from it. But only from our present time can we actually change things. Meaning we can heal our past from our present or. And we can plant seeds, slash, co. Create what our future is going to be. And that's the power of your I am presence too. [00:10:08] Speaker B: I would say that when you are in the now moment, which is the presence that you are actually able to feel that connection. Yes, because you're, your mind is not focused on something temporal. Like you said, we were talking about how the past is usually you're focusing on regret and the future. We're all the what ifs and the fears and anxieties. So when you're really present, really in the now moment, that's when you feel that connection to that consciousness. And that's why people go into that bliss state when they meditate. So what were some of the things that you listed there for you talked about earlier? Maybe we can talk about if we use these techniques or not. The first one was meditation, wasn't it? [00:10:51] Speaker A: Yes. So the first one was meditation. So let's talk a little bit about meditation because I think meditation is such a broad spectrum subject and the best way we can reach it and we can really familiar. Familiarize you as a listener to it, no matter what level you are, is by sharing our meditation practice and what meditation means to, to us. [00:11:16] Speaker B: Oh, he's looking at me first. [00:11:18] Speaker A: I was like, you want to start. [00:11:19] Speaker B: Or do you want me to start? Well, for example, I don't follow the rules. You know, if you're supposed to be sitting in a lotus position with your hands on your legs. Well, I'm at that lovely vintage age where getting up off the floor is difficult. So I'm not going to try to get in a lotus position because it could be days and days and days before anyone finds me trying to get up out of that. So what I decided to do when I set the intention to meditate every day when I was working. And so fortunately, you know, I'm single, so I didn't have to make food for the kids or anything. So I was like, okay, I can commit to this. So I would just lie on the bed. I would just lie on the bed and calm myself and just focus on whatever comes to me. And I think that's one of the things you probably wanted to address. A lot of people think that your mind needs to go completely blank when you meditate. Not true. You're just following the flow. And if you get stuck starting to think about, you know, what should I buy at the grocery store later? Then you just say, oh, wait a minute, I'm a little off track, let me just get back to center. So also falling asleep, I have no problem with that when I meditate because I figure I'm getting energetic downloads anyway in my sleep because usually when I meditated and I fell asleep, I'd wake up feeling more energy in my body. So I know that I was receiving information even though I wasn't consciously aware of it. So I think that's a couple of things. People think they're doing wrong, they think they have to adopt a certain position, they think they need to clear their minds completely. No, you just relax the mind and that if you fall asleep you've done something wrong. And I would contend that none of that is true. [00:13:09] Speaker A: That's very true. Well, when I started meditation, I always went with guided meditations because I'm like, oh, guided meditation is like a cheat sheet because then you're being told like what to think, how to process and whatever. Then I realized that even though it is a good tool, there's other ways to do it. So I really like. Well what I like to do is I really focus on my breathing to just get myself to relax first. I really like listening to frequency music on the background that you can find on YouTube and depending on your intention and why you'd want to meditate, the focus is you can find the frequency music to match that. So that's really helpful. Another thing too is I like to set myself for a certain time because I'm sure that all of you have responsibilities just like I do. So I always say like I'm going to meditate for like 20 minutes. So that, that way set a timer. Because as you progress with your meditation and you get to the comfort stage, sometimes you don't even realize and you're like, I thought I was going to be there for 20 minutes and now it's half hour. [00:14:21] Speaker B: And also the more you practice, the more you go into that sense of oneness. Faster. Yes, it just, it takes a little time. Yeah. [00:14:28] Speaker A: And sometimes it can be as. Meditation is very interesting because sometimes like meditation is just allowing like, like Lola said, there's going to be all sorts of thoughts. Cuz you can't shut off thoughts, you can't just turn off your brain, allow those to just kind of flow through. So like when I get thoughts that like definitely have nothing to do with meditation, I'm just like, oh, that's great. The way I view it, it's almost like I'm floating on a river and the thoughts is just little currents that pass through me and I just allow them because I can't stop them. You just let them go. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Some people think of it as clouds. Let the clouds go. One thing I wanted to point out too is I, I think guided meditations are a great way to start and continue if they. If they're a good fit for you, great. But one of the best ways for you to get into this state of connecting to the I am presence is to start some deep breaths when you start your meditation. And the one thing I learned recently that I probably knew before, but I'd forgotten, is that one of the quickest ways to relax yourself is to breathe in, but then breathe out longer than the breath you took in. So let's say you breathe in for three seconds. You want to breathe out maybe four, five, six seconds. And that will take you into a relaxed state very quickly. [00:15:49] Speaker A: And normally, most of the meditations that even go with this, they'll tell you, like, breathe in for, like, three or four seconds, breathe out for six seconds, and do it quietly, and do like, three sets of those just to get in the mellow down state. And then after that, you just breathe at your own pace. [00:16:07] Speaker B: And then the other thing I did was listen to theta waves, so binaural beats in addition to frequency music. I listen to those before I meditate. That takes you into a deep hypnosis state. And I set the intention. When I first started to have a spiritual breakthrough, and I just allowed whatever that would be, and guess what? That's when I started speaking and singing in light language. That was my spiritual breakthrough. Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't control it. You know, I was open to whatever it might be. So that's based on my experience. [00:16:43] Speaker A: I also really like nature sounds. I find that water is very soothing. I'm already a water sign as it is. But when I hear, like, water, water noises or water sounds, which you can find also on YouTube, they're very relaxing. Or rain, you can just close your eyes. Another thing that I've been loving doing lately, because I feel like once you get really worked up working with it, you get control of opening up your heart space when you need to. So I love doing affirmations as a meditation. So, meaning, like, I just listen to relaxing music, and I listen to affirmations, and I just close my eyes, and I just kind of repeat them either on my mind, or I can repeat them on a voice, like on a low voice, and just really feel into what the affirmation is. It really takes you to that state of calmness, state of, like, you're connecting with it. So I really like that. I actually have been doing a lot of that. [00:17:42] Speaker B: So are using I am statements to get into the I am presence. [00:17:46] Speaker A: Yes, it's like a short yes, I am, and then let's see. But those Are some of the meditation practices also, like, out in nature? You can go out and just relax and do that. A lot of the other things, too, that I would not recommend when you're driving, but you can do also meditate with your eyes open. Sometimes you can just gaze at something and be so relaxed, and it's in a meditative state and just relax, and that's all you need to do. Like, again, we get so caught up in the labels, and traditionally this is how meditation works, but in reality, you're just calming the mind and you're going within. [00:18:32] Speaker B: Yeah. And Amaral remembers some past lives as a Buddhist monk, and so does my tarot teacher. And my tarot teacher said that one of the ways they were trained to meditate was when they're doing a task, to be fully engaged in the task. So when you're washing the dishes, you're really paying attention to the dishes? Yeah, to the water. How does it feel? What do the suds feel like? You know, whether that when you really, really. You just go into such a state of focus. That's another form of meditation. [00:19:03] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:19:04] Speaker B: And I think that's why, you know, a lot of times in monasteries, there are people doing manual tasks like sweeping and things like that. Or like, what about the. Like the Japanese gardens where you rake and things like that? [00:19:19] Speaker A: Which actually brings us exactly. To the next practice, which is mindfulness. So doing thing out of just the mindful state of just relaxation and enjoying those things. Now, we're not trying to say that chores are going to be enjoyed or that you're going to reach a point where you're going to find chores to be, like, absolutely amazing. Because we know that that won't happen. But what we're saying is maybe there's things that you're doing. Did you can go and have more mindfulness, though, where it's like, do it more calmly. Really focus on what you're doing. [00:19:51] Speaker B: There's. There's a lot of information about mindfulness techniques online. And so, like, there's mindfulness eating, which is when you take a bite of something and you, you. You pay attention to the texture of it as well as the taste. Maybe you combine a second flavor with it. You notice how you're chewing it. You notice how the flavors blend. Mindfulness with your eyes. You're looking. Okay, what am I seeing? I haven't really looked in this corner. Wow. Look, look. There's so much more going on that I just wasn't paying attention to in my visual realm. Mindful listening. I used to do that on the bus going home from work, because I had a long bus ride. So I would just relax by listening to the sounds and becoming aware of the sounds you're hearing. You're going to hear sounds that you normally would ignore, you know, like the soft humming of something, you know, that's what mindfulness, even mindful standing, you know, you're standing in line at the. At the bank, you know, or the grocery store, you sway back and forth, you know, move that body, you know, be conscious of how you're standing. How do the feet feel, how grounded are you? There's all kinds of mindfulness techniques. It sounds like you might know some others as well. [00:21:06] Speaker A: Yes. In fact, I was just going to point out one that I'm sure you can really connect with this Lola. But I find artists to get in a mindful state when they're creating art. [00:21:16] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. We lose complete track of time. [00:21:18] Speaker A: Yes. [00:21:19] Speaker B: Our right brains engaged. [00:21:21] Speaker A: I see my husband doing crafts and he just goes. And he just like takes off. And I can tell when he's so into it that his mind is just in another place. And I love it because. Because I understand what. What mindfulness is from just meditations and stuff that I. I think it's great. I think that. I think that we live in a world where it's so hectic because we ally. Allow everything to take priority except for ourselves. So anything that you can find that gives you a chance to slow down, to just breathe, to relax, like that is just gonna do so much, like, such great things for you. [00:22:05] Speaker B: I think that's why adult coloring books have been so popular, because they really help you with stress, especially ones that are like Mandelas. [00:22:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:13] Speaker B: Yep. So I agree. [00:22:15] Speaker A: That's so funny too, because I got an adult coloring book last year and it was about like cussing, but it was like pictures, and you still draw the pictures, but they were like, have a little thing and they would be cussing at something. So I guess the bringing together was your coloring and you're releasing. [00:22:37] Speaker B: I guess that works. Okay. [00:22:40] Speaker A: All right. Our next one is Spending Time in Nature. So I know that's not probably Lola's favorite thing. [00:22:49] Speaker B: I'm the unhappy. I was the unhappiest Girl Scout ever. I hate camping. I. When I was at work, someone was talking about, you know, their weekend coming up and they were going to go camping and they were going to go with their, like, brother and sister in law. And they said. The brother in law said something that I went, yes. He Sundays, I work seven days a week. Why would I go on a weekend and pretend for two days that I'm homeless? Right on, brother. I agree with you. So I will glamp, but I will never camp. [00:23:25] Speaker A: Okay, so. [00:23:26] Speaker B: And I don't like listening to nature sounds either. So like. Like with the recordings, I find them very distracting. Especially birds. [00:23:34] Speaker A: Really? [00:23:35] Speaker B: Yes. [00:23:36] Speaker A: I love birds. [00:23:36] Speaker B: Remember the sonosphere? I had to make them turn the. [00:23:39] Speaker A: Bird noises off, but that's because they were seagulls. And seagulls aren't very. They don't have. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Well, I'm from Seattle. I've been around enough seagulls. [00:23:45] Speaker A: Yeah. When they don't have the greatest voices, I may add. [00:23:47] Speaker B: But yeah, but it. I'd rather listen to music. But anyway, nature. Yes, I get it. I mean, I understand. I love. I wind on my face, for example. So yes, I do. I'm just a city girl at heart though. [00:23:58] Speaker A: Okay. I'm definitely not a city guy at all because I do love nature. I. I love going out on walks to parks and I love. I love witnessing nature because nature is just so amazing. I love seeing the different colors of like, as I'm driving, sometimes I look at the colors of the leaves and especially during the fall. That's why I love the all because it has so many different colors. But also when you go out into nature, nature really responds to our energy. And that's another part of our I am presence is being able to connect with our energy, but realize that our energy is part of the oneness too, of everything around us. So for example, the trees connect with your energy in this thing that's really good that I absolutely love doing is I come up to trees and I'll just put my hands in it and I just relax and go in that relaxing of like just fully just letting go of anything that it's not mine. And the trees will be more than happy to do that for you. [00:25:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I agree with hugging trees. I actually used to hug a tree at the bus stop in Seattle. [00:25:09] Speaker A: Oh, that's awesome. [00:25:10] Speaker B: And thank it because I figured it was working extra hard to deal with Seattle pollution, the crazies walk out on the street, street. And they are all connected through the network. So yeah, if you. If you appreciate one tree, they all get the appreciation and they send the love back. And they do. I. I can't. I have felt that for sure. [00:25:29] Speaker A: And the thing too is like, as I've traveled the world and I got. I feel really blessed about being able to have traveled the world. Each water source has different. Like it holds memory but it has different memories and it has different energy. So, like, if you go to the Pacific Ocean, you're going to feel a certain way. The Atlantic Ocean feels a different way. Certain rivers, certain lakes. It's like everything has its own essence of energy because of the Leylines and. Because. And I. Well, I'm a grid worker too, so I just so tune in. Like, when I am not home, when I'm traveling somewhere, I am in a constant state of peace. Because even though I didn't know before, but I know now that I. What I do is I disconnect from the energy that could be troubling to me or just energy that I just have to dwell on, like, meaning at home. And I just feel like I'm in this complete new place where I get to play and be part of and enjoy and have absolute no connection to anything, but instead be part of everything. And I know it sounds probably cheesy hearing this, but really, I. That's how much I love traveling. [00:26:45] Speaker B: Because it's just. [00:26:46] Speaker A: It just. It lights up my fire. That's one of the things that really, like, just lights me up. [00:26:52] Speaker B: And then if Pamela was here, I know she'd be talking about how much she loves being in nature and how centering that is for her. So that for sure, I'm an anomaly. Yeah, I'm an anomaly. Most people really, really love connecting through nature. I. I like it for about a couple hours, but I will not sleep on the ground. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Me, on the other hand, I'll bring a blanket so that, like, when I found a really, really nice spot that it's out by the sun and stuff, I'll lay the blanket, I'll lay on it, and I'll just be like, this is heaven. [00:27:23] Speaker B: Remember, I can't get out of a lotus position anymore, let alone off of a blanket on the ground. Sorry. This happens as you get older, people. [00:27:30] Speaker A: Okay, the next one is prayer, which I know that there's. There's all. There's different talks about prayer, because sometimes in a lot of the times when you pray, it comes out of lack in a way. And that's not. For me, it doesn't feel like great energy. But I understand that people, because of the fact we're not changing your beliefs, your belief system or whatever. And I know that a lot of people believe in prayer. And I'm not saying it doesn't work. What I'm saying is anytime you pray from lack, like, I give my power to someone to interfere. For me, it's not necessarily the greatest thing. And I think that we could, like, at least I can attest to that. That doesn't feel that great because the way I look at it is I am part of everything, so I'm connected to everything. So the divine energy lives within me as well as live with lives within all of us. So we're all part of it. So we connect with it and we can send energy through it, which is pretty much, I guess, would be the most closest to prayer. Right. [00:28:36] Speaker B: Well, we've had this discussion before, and if, once again, if Pamela was here, she would give us more of a shamanic approach to this. And I think what they call prayer, we would call an invocation. So I think traditionally in the Abrahamic traditions, when you're praying, you're coming from a place of lack. You know, there's a God greater than me. Right. And I'm just this little peon and I'm suffering so much. God help me. Right, yes. That doesn't really empower you. Right. [00:29:11] Speaker A: Not only that, but you're kind of giving your power away. [00:29:13] Speaker B: Exactly. So that's different than the I am presence. So I think when you're appealing in the sense of the shamanic, they are more connected to their I am. And what they. They're calling a prayer, I would call more of an invocation. [00:29:27] Speaker A: That's true. And also they're connecting to different spirits of nature. Spirits within. [00:29:32] Speaker B: Yeah. So I think it's. It's a matter of how you interpret that word. [00:29:36] Speaker A: And then our next one is self reflection. [00:29:40] Speaker B: Oh, that's the best one. I'm. I'm the best hermit ever. I. Oh, man, I love being by myself and looking at myself and examining my thoughts and, you know, forgiving myself and others. And it's like, yeah, I love. [00:29:53] Speaker A: I love it. [00:29:53] Speaker B: I am a natural hermit now, just. [00:29:57] Speaker A: To be clear with the self reflection, you can do it anywhere. [00:30:01] Speaker B: It doesn't have to. That's how I like to do it. [00:30:03] Speaker A: You don't have to do any just inside your home. I love self reflecting out on nature. Example today I had a very big thing that came in as far as wisdom and awareness that I wasn't too. But it happened out of self reflection. It happened out of like, I saw this bench and I saw the sun hitting it. And for some reason I was so drawn that I went and I had a seat and I was just feeling the sun and closing my eyes and that's when it came in. So I mean, self reflection can be done in so many ways. [00:30:36] Speaker B: Yeah. It can be an epiphany like you had or an inspiration. Yeah. [00:30:40] Speaker A: And also it's. I find it too, that it's very connecting. Self reflection really connects with your gifts in a way. Depending on what your gifts are, of course, because we all have different gifts. But what I'm talking about is like, for example, I'm an oracle, and I'm on the knowing side of the oracle. So things just comes to me, like information, messages and stuff like that. So when I am in nature, I've now noticed that it comes so much more easier. But also I think in general, everything's just coming easier because I'm no longer putting a strain to it. When we think of, like, how is this going to be presented to me? Which way should I best listen to it? When you put all these little obstacle courses for. For how your gifts work, I think you kind of like, block yourself, because that's what I used to do. And when you just allow, it just happens naturally. I don't know how you feel about that, Lola, but this is my take on that. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Well, and we did an episode where we talked about some of the psychic gifts, and sometimes we're not even aware of what some of them are, and we're already using them. [00:31:44] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:31:44] Speaker B: Especially those of us who are feelers. [00:31:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:47] Speaker B: We forget that that's one of the gifts. [00:31:51] Speaker A: And the last one, which is one of my really good, like, I love this one. It's actively cultivating gratitude. [00:32:00] Speaker B: Yes. That is one of the best. Thank you. I'm so grateful you brought that up. [00:32:08] Speaker A: And the reason why this one's so important is because you have to think of, like, what you're doing when you're actually cultivating gratitude. So when you're. When you're cultivating gratitude, you're in a state of mind of you're being thankful for things you already have also. That really opens up that door for new things to come in. And it's interesting to me that I see it so clearly. And for me, it's so easy because I always do a gratitude journal. Right. But it's funny because sometimes I mention to some people and we're all in different paths, of course, but sometimes it seems as if that's not something that runs so easily over, like, someone's head, which I'm like, that's kind of interesting because I would think that that's just common thing, but I guess it isn't so common. [00:32:51] Speaker B: I think until you have kind of a shift out of the poor me mentality, it's hard to see what you're grateful for even if it's something so simple, like I was talking to someone the other day, I said, isn't it great that I have. We have wrists and our wrists move. I'm grateful for these wrists. I mean, there's always something to be thankful for. Even if it's just a pretty color, you're looking at whatever it is. Thankful that I have socks to wear. [00:33:19] Speaker A: You know, thankful that we have water to drink. [00:33:21] Speaker B: Yeah, thankful. Thankful that, you know, my hair has clean, you know, it doesn't have to be, you know, you know, the loftiest thing to attach to you. Once you get into this gratitude, you're open to receiving the, you know, the grace of this I am presence. [00:33:44] Speaker A: Exactly. Or even moving it a step further, if you write down your gratitude, like let's say you have a journal, you just write down. I'm going to write down five things before I leave the house and fight before I go to bed. It can be anything. [00:33:59] Speaker B: Sometimes it's like this bed's comfortable. I mean, that's an obvious one. [00:34:03] Speaker A: Pillows, great. This, this blanket is so comfy and so warm. But it's just, those are simple practices of really connecting to your I am Divine presence as well as just, just really taking that time to connect with yourself, to check in with yourself, to. We can't control things outside of us. And isn't it so amazing that we get all these tools now to go within? Because that's what we're being asked for in order to hold space for events that like people obviously are like making it to be this chaos. When we go within, we find that peace and in return we bring in this energy that provides peace for others as well. Because it's not just about bringing in that peace for us, but frequency wise, we shift into a peace state where we're allowing ourselves to give peace to others. [00:35:02] Speaker B: Yeah. So the best way you can help humanity is to balance and center yourself using some of the techniques we talked about or anything you come up with yourself. And that gratitude is one of the best. I have to tell you. [00:35:14] Speaker A: Yes, I absolutely love gratitude. That's why I've also like on YouTube, you can go and look for gratitude affirmations and there's tons of it. And you can even do gratitude for like abundance. You can do gratitude for health, you can do gratitude for just life, for just waking up. There's so many, I like to switch them off. I feel that the best way is to shift it because some days you'll find some things really resonating with you. Some days you find other things resonating with you. So why not have change? Who doesn't like change? Like, we're not robotic. [00:35:51] Speaker B: Yeah. And then another thing that occurred to me when we're talking about centering yourself is sometimes they call this feeling of being balanced the center point or the zero point. [00:36:03] Speaker A: Yes. [00:36:04] Speaker B: And if you can kind of picture an infinity sign, you know, looping. Looping. Looping. There's a point where they meet. [00:36:11] Speaker A: Yep. [00:36:12] Speaker B: That's the zero point. And if you kind of think of us, we have a toroidal field around us. Right. So there is a zero point for your body, I guess there's probably a zero point for your thoughts. There's a zero point for your emotions. So you have the capacity to focus on finding the balance. And like we said, when you can balance your. Maybe it's just your emotions for a day, maybe you can't get your mind imbalanced, but you maybe got your emotions under control, and then you relax into it and you feel that connection to all that is then, like I said, you're really not only helping yourself, you're helping the entire human collective. [00:36:51] Speaker A: Yep. [00:36:52] Speaker B: So zero point energy is something you can look into as well. [00:36:56] Speaker A: Yeah. In, you know, there's always things that can aggravate you. There's always going to be things that may bother you. There's always going to be in what Lola just mentioned is really important because you really have no control over those things, but you have control over yourself in part of that. [00:37:17] Speaker B: React to it. [00:37:18] Speaker A: How do you react to it? And part of bringing yourself down to that zero point of let's go back to just feeling myself, my peace, going back into that point of peace within myself so that I'm not reacting to something that really is not. Has nothing to do with me. But on the other flip side of things, too, and this is part of just being mindfulness, more mindful and aware, is if something is bothering you to the point where it's triggering you, something within, it's not coming out because it's testing you or it's trying to upset you. It's coming out because it is ready to be looked at and dealt with. And coming from releasing quite a bit. I can definitely vouch for that. [00:38:08] Speaker B: Me too. Okay. [00:38:10] Speaker A: And all right, so another thing we want to mention as we're going through, this is your I am presence. It is your, like, inner power, but also tuning into their that I am presence. It's such a strong connection because it's like with your higher self, which is your divine self. But in order, in order to be balanced out and to really reach that I am presence, we need to be aware that everything connects in order to get to that part. So in other words, like we've talked, even though we have talked about chakra points before, your. Your goal is to balance each chakra point because once you balance them all out, then you have really full that connection with your I am presence. And this is sometimes when it gets a little confusing. Example. So one time I posted like the chakra points and affirmations to begin with of they belong to each chakra point. And someone posted, well, yeah, but the most powerful one is your I am presence, which I'm not arguing that it is. However, if you don't do the work to clear out the rest of your chakra points, meaning one of them is blocked, you're not connecting to your true I am presence because you're almost like skipping through one and you want to create a balance with them all. Because the more balance you are, the more you are connecting fully with that divine presence that you are. So for your root chakra, it does start with your I am in. Your root chakra also represents where you stand in life. An example. So you can say, I am prosperous. I am feeling love. I am loved. Things like that will be connected and. [00:40:10] Speaker B: Root would be about safety too. [00:40:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:12] Speaker B: So I'm safe, I'm secure. [00:40:13] Speaker A: I am safe, I'm secure. Those are all part of the root chakra. Then we have sacral, which is just above the root chakra. [00:40:21] Speaker B: Can I. Can I give them a little thing I learned recently that I wish I had known a long time? [00:40:26] Speaker A: Oh yeah, totally. [00:40:27] Speaker B: Before you get fully into the I am. So if you, let's say you are blocked, maybe you're feeling a lot of tension in your root chakra. You're aware of it. So the trick is not only to say the I am statement, but to say now that I am. So it's like you do the gratitude. I say, you know, Great Spirit or whatever you want to call the Creator, I am grateful now that I am safe and secure. That's different than just the I am. Because now you're claiming it in the present, like the now moment, like we talked about. It's like you already have it, you're not seeking it. So I would highly recommend thinking about saying this is working for me. So this is why I just wanted to share it with other people. So maybe it is like I said, your root chakra and you say, okay, I am so grateful now that I feel Secure, a sense of security. [00:41:24] Speaker A: And it's those baby steps. Like, sometimes, like, for example, the I am could be a big leap because it's a declaration. So, like, when Lola's. How Lola's mentioning. It's almost like a. An easier. Like you're working into it because you don't have to jump necessarily into the flow. [00:41:40] Speaker B: No, you're not working into. You're claiming. [00:41:42] Speaker A: Yeah. You're claiming you already have it. [00:41:44] Speaker B: That's how you manifest it. But I know what you're talking about, because sometimes maybe you're in a situation, it's hard to say. You feel secure. [00:41:51] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:41:52] Speaker B: Now. So you could say, now that I'm feeling more secure. [00:41:54] Speaker A: Yep. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Than I. Than I ever have. Something like that. [00:41:58] Speaker A: Yep. So then your sacral is. I feel. So on our sacral, we hold emotions, especially when we hold to, like, past. Past traumas and stuff. Those emotions are usually kept within our sacral, so we can say, I feel. I feel good. I feel loved. I feel understood. [00:42:24] Speaker B: Okay. So you could say something like, now. [00:42:25] Speaker A: That I feel loved. [00:42:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:27] Speaker A: Now that I feel loved. Now that I feel. [00:42:29] Speaker B: Now that I feel more loved. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Now that I feel more understood. Now that my. That I consider my. I'm con. I value my feelings more. That would. Could work with us for the sacral, too, as well. [00:42:43] Speaker B: It's also a creativity center. Maybe, like, more like, now that I'm doing more. More things that I enjoy or something like that. [00:42:52] Speaker A: Yep. And then we have the solar plex, which is I do. So it's more of a. So I do is be like, I. I just had a mind blank for that one because it's also your power. Your stand. Your. Where you're standing. Your power. So I. [00:43:17] Speaker B: So another fear center. [00:43:19] Speaker A: Mm. [00:43:20] Speaker B: So you want to be focusing on how to bring in that power to replace the fear. Right. [00:43:26] Speaker A: So I do feel stronger. I. I do. [00:43:30] Speaker B: Or I am beginning to stand in my power. [00:43:32] Speaker A: I'm beginning. [00:43:33] Speaker B: I'm beginning to appreciate my power or something like that. [00:43:36] Speaker A: Yep. Yeah, there was another word too, and I can't remember right now. For the solar plexus. That's other. [00:43:43] Speaker B: Oh, wait, what. What did you say it was? I do. [00:43:45] Speaker A: I do. [00:43:45] Speaker B: Oh, then I did it wrong. I said, I am. [00:43:47] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. But there's another word for it that I really like. [00:43:56] Speaker B: You could say, now that I do stand in my power. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Now that I do stand in my power. That sound that actually goes better than the just the I do. And then. So then we have our heart space, which is I love. So I love my life. That shows gratitude. I love whatever fill in the blank that you really enjoy that you want to create as a statement. And also that will help you also to bring it in. I love my life. I love. I love my. My significant other. Yes. I love my freedom. That would be for me. [00:44:42] Speaker B: I'll have to work on. I love camping. I love camping. I. I'm so grateful now that I love camping. Actually doesn't feel too bad. [00:44:52] Speaker A: Okay. [00:44:54] Speaker B: Maybe you'll get me out there one day. [00:44:58] Speaker A: I love experiencing new adventures. That one's pretty open. So that way it opens you up too. [00:45:06] Speaker B: Well. Yeah. And if you can't think of what you love, think about what your inner child loved. [00:45:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:10] Speaker B: You know, I love being tickled. I. I love painting. I love. [00:45:16] Speaker A: You know, and I think that part of these. My brother, I feel that a lot of these affirmations, too, it's about you personalizing where they. Where you do feel it. Because if you don't feel an affirmation, it's kind of pointless. [00:45:30] Speaker B: We talked about at the beginning. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:32] Speaker B: It's the head and heart connection manifest. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So. Yeah. Well, I'll have to work on the camping. Okay. [00:45:41] Speaker A: And then there is your throat chakra, which is I speak. So I speak abundance into reality. I speak truth into my life. I speak with honor. With honor. I speak to be listened. That one would probably really shake some things, especially if you're like. Are not. Like, you're not. You're not speaking from your heart. This one, the throat chakra tends to be the more block. [00:46:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Or I speak to express my heart. [00:46:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Or I speak to express my feelings. Or it is safe for me to express my feelings. [00:46:29] Speaker B: Through speech. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Yep. And then we have our third eye, which is I see. So I see abundance. I see love surrounding me. I see myself enjoying my future. There's so many things that you could see with the third eye that you can put into affirmations. [00:46:59] Speaker B: And I'm hearing I see a new version of me. [00:47:02] Speaker A: Yes. Especially with the Year of the Snake, I see a new version of me that's, like, perfect for that. And last but not least is our crown chakra, which is. I know. I know everything's always working out for me. I know I'm always being taken care of. I know I'm always divinely guided. The crown chakra is. Was interesting because that was, like, probably one of the last ones that I addressed while going through my growth. And the crown chakra is. It's funny because the first three chakras are pretty much considered your Earth chakras. So they're the ones that like attach you to things like traumas and stuff like that and just how you feel standing in the world. Then the rest of them are kind of like your higher chakra. So that's like your connection to divinity, AKA my, your I am presence too. But in order to fully connect with that divine part of you, it's important to balance all points of your chakra point so that you can really connect. Because when you have one that's blocked, it's. You're not going to connect to the full essence that you are. [00:48:29] Speaker B: Well, since that divine presence wants to express, learn through your experiences, I had the opposite where, you know, my crown chakra blew up immediately and I was, I was discounting the body. I was never, never very grounded. I was always up in the ethers. And what you don't realize is what Amaral saying, we need to be grounded. We need to be a conduit. We need. This body is embodying the spirit. We're embodying that consciousness. So we need to be in the body as much as we need to be in our spiritual plane too. It's fun to be up in the, in the spiritual chakras. I love it. But that was a hard lesson for me to learn. I think it's a lot. A hard lesson based on a lot of people I've talked to realize this body is a spiritual plane. We need it to be grounded to Earth for that connection to be fully working, so that the expansion and the awareness that the Creator of all is wishing to experience through us is there. You need to be anchored. So those root, chakra, sacral, solar plexus are equally as important as the ones where you feel all heady and you're up there talking to angels, you know. [00:49:48] Speaker A: Well, and I guess that's, that's also like. It's a. Thanks for bringing that up because that's a good clarification point because when we do start, the first thing that comes to our minds is like, oh, like in order to, to really be connecting to Source God, I want to like, focus like on my connection to it. But there's other connections that are just as important. And, and also, if you don't have a solid connection with Earth, you are, you are going through a human experience for a reason. And that is to fully be present and fully live your life and value each emotion. [00:50:31] Speaker B: But also the consciousness wants to experience sensation. It wants to experience itself. Touch, taste, smell. Yeah. Eyesight. [00:50:40] Speaker A: Yep. There's so much information about the I am presence, for sure. [00:50:52] Speaker B: And you know, when you've touched that I am presence. Because that's when they talk about, like Samadhi, you know, you just feel this kind of inward bliss. You know, you're grounded, yet you're connecting up higher. You'll know it when you feel it. And it's usually transitory. I think it's transitory for everybody. You know, I think certain monks have practices where they can get back into it more quickly than others. But I'm sure in a meditation at some point, for example, you are likely to experience it when you are completely relaxed. [00:51:31] Speaker A: Yep. And it is a great feeling, but as Lola said, it is. It's not a feeling where you can live in, but it is certainly a feeling that you can reach. And the more you practice, the faster you can reach to that feeling. And that's why you have, for example, those monks, me coming from a monk lifetime where I've experienced so much of that peace that it becomes a trap too. Because then you're like, well, I want to keep coming back as a monk because this is so enjoyable. And then you have so much peace and everything. But then if I'm not feeling other emotions, then I'm kind of like cheating myself out of the human experience. [00:52:14] Speaker B: Which is exactly what in the consciousness, the divine consciousness, wants and craves the human experience. Yeah, you're only doing part of the job. [00:52:24] Speaker A: Exactly, yeah. [00:52:25] Speaker B: Which is why a lot of monks eventually go out into be with the people, because that's where you get going to have more challenges on getting yourself rebalanced. [00:52:35] Speaker A: I've even had I joined this class. Don't remember the guy's name, but he was really honest and he said that he really had a tough time because when he started, for so many years, somebody told them that if you just work on the higher chakras, that the lower chakras will eventually clear it up too, because they could. Like, it's just like the higher chakras would force the lower chakras to clear out, which is false information. But nonetheless, I like the fact that he was willing to open up and say that because a lot of times that happens. A lot of times people think that just working on their higher chakras is going to take care of the lower chakras, but it won't because the lower ones are more earthly. And those are the ones that we actually like. Each one, all of them are important, but your earth ones are the ones that really have you attached to that earth. Plane of seeing things not as they really are. Because you're seeing life through your traumas rather than your true divine self that you are. [00:53:41] Speaker B: Yeah, but if you're balancing your chakras, you're not. You're clearing the traumas. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Well, no, that's what I'm saying. If you don't take care of those, like balancing them out and everything and doing the work, then that's how they're not. They're not. They're not going to work as great for your. To your advantage. [00:53:56] Speaker B: So one thing I'm seeing is to remind you guys that the chakras, the one in the middle is the heart. Right. The green one. So you can run a figure eight from your crown chakra through the heart down to the root chakra and then run it constantly. And that way you're sending energy to all the chakras in your. In your body too. [00:54:22] Speaker A: That's a good idea. I didn't even think about that. [00:54:24] Speaker B: And you can do that back in front. Don't forget, because your chakras go out the back too. A lot of people are going to ignore the back. [00:54:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:32] Speaker B: And you can spin them so you can use your imagination to spin the energy and try to get the. Imagine they're all spinning at the same rate and working in perfect tandem with one another. [00:54:42] Speaker A: Mm. And also there is like, depending on which chakra point it is, is usually deals with a certain emotion. So if you're feeling certain emotions, I would encourage you to like go online and just even checking out, like, if I'm feeling these emotions, which chakra is it affiliated with so that we just get a quick answer. It's not going to do the work for you, but it shows a map of where to work at. Because sometimes feelings can be a little bit confusing. [00:55:11] Speaker B: But they're giving you information. [00:55:14] Speaker A: And that's. That's exactly what I mean. Like, it's giving you the information at least where to start looking, where to start working on. [00:55:23] Speaker B: Okay. Wow. I honestly don't know what else to say about the I am presence. Because you've got tools to feel that connection and you'll know it when you experience it. And you'll also appreciate the fact that you can get back to it trying some of the techniques we talked about earlier. But it's not like we said, it's not a state to be in constantly because you wouldn't get anything done. [00:55:54] Speaker A: Yep. [00:55:55] Speaker B: And your job on Earth is like you said, experience the earth. It's a school. [00:55:58] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:55:59] Speaker B: Earth is a school. And not Only are we learning, but that highest consciousness is learning through us too. [00:56:05] Speaker A: And it's serving a purpose. It's serving the purpose of you being able to maneuver through it, you being able to sort through things so that you are in a more balanced state. [00:56:15] Speaker B: Yeah. And think about it. You know, we talked earlier about this. This I am presence is beyond polarity. So it's learning from us. What is it like to be male, female? [00:56:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:27] Speaker B: What is it like to have concepts of good and bad? You know, so this is. This is a big Earth school here. I mean, then. Then we have the deep emotions, which is part of the Earth school. We have the overwhelming sensations, which is part of the Earth's school. We have gravity. We can't manifest as fast as we can on other planes. I mean, only those who are masters come to this plane. And so that is why the consciousness that is trying to expand all that is loves what you're doing here on Earth, even though it feels hard sometimes. [00:57:04] Speaker A: And you just brought up a good point. Sometimes we underestimate ourselves, thinking like we allow everything in our lives to be more important than us, so we feel powerless. But the truth is, you wouldn't even be here on the Earth plane if a you weren't trying to balance and master those emotions. So give yourself credit. This is tough. Like, part of our path was never intended to be easy, but yet we're doing it, and you're doing it. And you should feel really proud of how much you've accomplished and how much you have yet to go through. Maneuver, really heal. It's the word that I guess I'm looking for. [00:57:46] Speaker B: You're a master player at life, so you don't want the. You don't want the beginner's level experience. [00:57:52] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:57:52] Speaker B: That's why you're here. So on that note, we wish you well with your connection to the Divine. It's already there, but sometimes we forget. So I hope this episode was helpful for you and anything you want to. [00:58:07] Speaker A: Say before we go, just thank you so much and don't forget to share with a friend. [00:58:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Please tell anybody. If you like the podcast, please tell others, because that's the best way for us to help other people too, and to grow our community. So we will see you next time. Bye.

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