Episode 20

February 06, 2025



Hosted by

Lola Singer Amaral Valle-Torres Pamela Brown
Welcome to Woo-Woo-Ville: The Next Stop on Your Spiritual Journey

Feb 06 2025 | 00:59:22


Show Notes

Past lives can be fascinating. They can also be stifling, especially when those lives created trauma at a deep soul level or karmic ties that need to be severed in order to move on. 

In this episode, Pamela, Amaral, and Lola discuss their persona experiences uncovering past life memories and releasing trapped energy related to those lives.

They also explore the importance of staying grounded in the "Now Moment" in order to best deal with the past and to create a desired future. 

We share what we have learned, often through trial and error, about manifestation, setting intentions, soul retrieval, and 5D consciousness.

Stay tuned! This is going to be a wild ride as we explore the past, the present, and the future.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to Woo Woo Bill, the next stop on your spiritual journey, hosted by three fellow travelers who found a soul connection on the path to higher consciousness. Our goal is to help you navigate the choppy waters you're likely to encounter on a spiritual path by sharing our experiences with you each week. Join us as we spill the tea on what it's like to wake up to your authentic self. My name is Amaral. [00:00:32] Speaker B: I'm Lola. [00:00:34] Speaker C: And I am Pamela. [00:00:36] Speaker B: And our episode today has a very long title, but basically we're talking about how you can take advantage of the magic you work in the past, present, and future. So the title is Past lives, the now, moment, and Manifesting your future. And that came up because Amaral had a very powerful experience where he got in touch with a couple past lives through hypnosis. And we wanted to hear more about it because it's been life changing for him. And before we dive into that, for the people who are new to the broadcast, we probably should reintroduce ourselves a little bit. So why don't we start with Pamela? Just want to give a little taste of what you. Who you are and what you do. [00:01:24] Speaker C: Yes. As one of the hosts, I'm also a spirit shaman, life coach, energy healer. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit. So I have a couple other businesses that are going to be coming online. There are various ways to work with me, but that's a little bit of some of the things that I enjoy doing and ways to serve and use my gifts. [00:01:47] Speaker A: And my name is Emeril, and I am a Reiki master as well as an oracle. I host a breathwork class every other week, and you can reach out to find out that one's offered for free to the collective. [00:02:04] Speaker B: Yeah, but where would they go? You want to go to our Facebook group page? We have a group page called welcome to Woowooville. And if you're interested in a free breathroot class, just mention that you are, and Amaral will contact you and get you all set up. It's online so you don't have to leave the comfort of your home. [00:02:22] Speaker A: And I happen to do hair, too. And within the hair, I've been really embracing the spirituality aspect and incorporating more spiritual things to the hair to be coming up. [00:02:41] Speaker C: Yeah, it's great to get a hair service and some energy work and counseling. And counseling, all in one session. You definitely leave, like, okay, I'm feeling good today. [00:02:51] Speaker B: Definitely a spiritual counselor. Okay. And I am Lola, and among many other things, I'm a human being who is also an Intuitive. I do tarot readings. I teach tarot. I specialize in the Toth Tarot deck, which is one of the most respectable ones that you can find out there. I also do spirit guide drawings. And there's. Oh, well, yeah, light language, sound, energy, healing, drumming, circles. All kinds of stuff that I offer to the community. So I guess I do more than I realized. We all do. We all do. We're all, you know, helping shift people into this wonderful new age of Aquarius where we get to be trusting ourselves and our intuition even more. So we wanted to talk about past lives, because not only does that come up with the hypnotherapy. Pamela, did you mention you being a shaman? [00:03:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:58] Speaker B: Okay, good, because I missed it somehow. I've had shamanic sessions with Pamela where she's helped me see some of my past lives that weren't too pretty, but once you know what they are, you can work on clearing them. And that's the same thing as Amaral's recent experience with hypnosis. And then the manifesting part is you've got to trust the now moment and be very present and kind of set your goals, but then let the energy work for you without trying to control the situation with your. You know too much, you know, what's the outcome? How can I. What's the specifics for making goal happen? Actually, we'll talk about that. It's more limiting than you think to do that and then manifesting your future. And that can be based on what you've learned from past lives and other things, too. So I'm going to turn it over to you, Emeril, because this is so fresh in your memory, because he just had a very powerful hypnosis session with. [00:05:04] Speaker A: With Derek Condit, and he's at Mystical Wares in Mount Vernon, Washington. He also can do zoom sessions. And the thing about past life regressions is I hadn't done one before, especially on a personal note, and what I can share about them is that we all have things that we feel like we're kind of stuck on. Meaning, like you might ask yourself, well, it seems as if I can't move forward on this, and it seems like something's stopping me, and it's almost like that awareness of something there but you can't quite get to. So what I have learned with the past life regressions is that we have past lives where they. They took such a toll on us that we get stuck with that energy. And, you know, past lives are here. Like we live. We live our lives in general. To learn lessons. The problem is when we get so attached to the stories and to the traumas, we bring that forward into our present lifetime. In. It creates blocks, it creates traumas as far as things we need to work on. And it's really taking a deep look at yourself. But one of the things that was really coming up that how spirit wanted me to explain it. It's really funny. It's almost like a drain. So let's say at your house, all of a sudden a drain becomes clogged. And then you think that because the water's filling that the problem is right on top, when in reality it's deeper down. Because if you just get the top, you're just clearing whatever's there. But at the true root of it, it's way deeper. So that's kind of what it is about going deeper. With those past life regressions. [00:07:03] Speaker B: I think you're talking about the difference between conscious awareness that you can work on in the subconscious that you're not. [00:07:09] Speaker A: Aware of yet in that subconscious. Really what it is, is it's a deeper door that we need to explore about ourselves. We each have our own journey. We each have had our own personal past lives, our own personal traumas. In what that gets you to discover is kind of open that door to your subconscious and find out what's really there, what's really been blocking you. And man, it's been. I mean, it was so recent that it was. It was a lot. I. I was grieving for a long time because there was like a major thing that happened as far as me losing loved ones. And I. That was the first time I've had grief affect me in so many layers of my being that I just felt like I just. I shut down because I knew I needed to release that. And this is the thing too. It's not to victimize you. It's not to. To make you feel bad. It's for you to be aware of a part of you and have compassion and forgive yourself. And being able to release that energy that you trapped for so long and as a fate, you're actually doing favor. Because the thing about it is we have no control. But when we attach to things, we bring that energy with us. And usually it doesn't serve us any good, for example, in the present time. And then you start seeing the connection between that past life and the things you encounter and how they're affecting you in your present lifetime. And when you make that connection is really powerful. But when you really heal by releasing that, it's just it almost like sets you free. It's almost like this maid cage that you do for yourself unconsciously because it's in your subconscious and it gets passed down and passed down. And not till you're willing to finally face it and address it, can you actually learn from it, heal it, and be able to move on and clear a path for you. [00:09:12] Speaker C: One of the questions I have, or maybe more of an observation is we've talked about, you know, you're very psychic. So other lives have come up, we've talked about, ones we've shared together. And I think the difference is, is that when you go with a guide, experienced practitioner. [00:09:30] Speaker A: Yep. [00:09:30] Speaker C: So you've done and you've had realizations come to you through your gifts. But when you actually are intentionally going in with a specific goal in mind, you're putting that time and attention to that, and then you're having an experience guide to take you in. Do you think that's why you went deeper with it and got more from that, that experience? Because you were connecting deeper to that lifetime versus it all being head knowledge? [00:09:54] Speaker A: Yes. I'm glad that you brought that in because Derek, he's. He. He's a professional, professional hypnotist counselor now. And one of the things is he says, let's change the script. So this time when you go, because he puts you in a relaxed state where you're really at that state of allowing yourself to just things to come in. He actually set the intention while reading this script that he was reading to me of, I want to show me what's blocking me. Show me what things are on the way of me not being able to see what's best for me. So he did change the wording and he does like. That's one of the things that's so amazing about this type of therapy is that you literally can go to the past and specifically go to certain aspects where they're hidden in your subconscious. And normally can you access them? Yes. But there's a difference. I feel that the biggest thing and how I can separate, like you said, I have experienced many previous lifetimes just on my own, through dreams, through meditations. But what's different, it's almost like this one takes you directly to your subconscious. It's like opening up your subconscious door and allowing something to come through depending on the intention that it's being set. [00:11:21] Speaker B: I think one of the things that might not be clear to the audience is that these past life, I've have incidences in them that actually damage the soul. [00:11:38] Speaker C: Yeah, there's A reason why it's so traumatic. It's not just a grief. It's a fracture almost. [00:11:47] Speaker B: That could be many, many, many lifetimes before you've had enough healing and fortitude to even face and question what's going on. So typically, like when I've seen things about past life regressions explains why people have fears of drowning, for example. My dad had fears of drowning. He grew up on an island. He never. He never swam. He didn't swim, and he grew up on an island. [00:12:15] Speaker A: He probably had to face it, too. He probably never did. [00:12:18] Speaker B: Well, I think a lot of the fishermen went out and didn't come back. But it could have been past life, too. It could have been something where it was not even anything to do with little island in Norway. It could have been, you know, something that happened in ancient Greece on an island. I don't know. But it explains why we have certain phobias, because the soul was so traumatized by something that it almost goes into shock. And you carry that into your next life and your next life and your next life. And so past life isn't always just like, oh, I'm curious, was I a king or a queen? No, we're talking about going, hey, there's something fundamental here, like you said, that's holding me back emotionally, mentally, spiritually, even physically. Because sometimes people have manifestations of physical wounds, like they might limp, for example. And there's no reason for them to be limping. Right, exactly. Physically in this life. So I guess that's what I wanted to express. It's at such a deep soul level, number one. We're not consciously aware of it, but somehow we know there's this pain that the soul wants to clear. And you are the avatar for the soul, and the soul is saying, go for it. Come on, let's clear it out so it doesn't affect us anymore and any future lives either. [00:13:44] Speaker C: I also think if you're maybe not even connected, there is a pain. But I think a lot of people can relate to, why do I keep having this repeating lesson? Or, what is this that's stopping? You're taking the classes, the manifestation. You're reading the books, you're doing all the things, and you're like, dang it. Why? This makes no sense to me. So even if it's, like, logically, gosh, that feels like intuitively, there's got to be something. What am I missing? What am I not doing here? Well, it could be this. [00:14:13] Speaker B: It could be as simple as, like, what I've talked about in One episode about how much I hate Paris, France. [00:14:18] Speaker C: Right. [00:14:18] Speaker B: I know that's related to past life. I've actually figured out what happened. [00:14:22] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:14:23] Speaker B: I witnessed a really nasty torture. Torture in front of Notre Dame. [00:14:29] Speaker C: Okay. So that's a very. [00:14:32] Speaker B: And it's in a wound because it was a friend who was being tortured. [00:14:35] Speaker C: Oh, gosh, I can only imagine. [00:14:37] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:37] Speaker C: How hard that would be. [00:14:39] Speaker B: And so I. You know, I've always had this. Like, I thought Paris was supposed to be beautiful. Both times when I've been there, all I feel is darkness there. And. And I did trace it back in my own meditations to that. And a little help from some tarot readings, too, with my tarot teacher. So where was. So. So you might, like, have an aversion to a place, Right? It's like, oh, I never wanted to book a book, a trip there. You know, it could be that your emotional scars are being transferred to a life you live there. [00:15:13] Speaker C: And isn't that a clue to go in, to go. Well, what is that about? Because, like I was saying, you might not be consciously aware there's something there for me to look at. So looking at the things where you're going, I really don't like that. And if you don't know why, maybe that's the invitation to go home. I keep seeing. My friends are traveling to this place, and I keep seeing Paris. Maybe things start to come up to show you, hey. Waving that flag of, let's deal with that. You know, maybe it's more than just, I always trust the breadcrumbs. You know, the things that are being led in front of you that go, okay, I had something on my mind, and then I was hearing it, I was seeing it, and then someone else was talking about it. And I'm like, okay, that's three things. On this one particular subject. There's something for me to explore here. [00:15:58] Speaker B: But you can follow the breadcrumbs and then kind of get to the stuck point. And that's why engaging with a professional like a hypnotherapist or a shaman can help you go even deeper. Are you comfortable? Because I think it might help the people in the audience if you shared one of those past lives, some details, or are you comfortable doing that, or is that too hard? [00:16:18] Speaker A: Well, I'll share, like, the outside. I don't want to go, like, for deep into it, but I can. I can share it in a way where it makes more sense of how deep it went. So one of the things, like yesterday, for example, I reached a point where anytime in my current lifetime where I would feel stranded, meaning, like, by finances or anything that wasn't working out, this crazy anxiety would surface. It was like a survival thing. And so when I went into that past life regression, I hit a lifetime where every day it was a survival of me even being able to get food to eat. So because of that, I saw the connection. It's almost like when I was under. Under hypnosis. One of the things that he asked was, from that lifetime, how does it connect to your current lifetime? And you start seeing the connections. It's almost like by feelings, like, this is how I was feeling. I see that that connects to how I feel now when I get to a certain part of myself. But the other thing, too, that. And that was very strong, as well as my grieving was really extreme because I was living on the streets and I was a young man with other young men that have no family. We had each other, and we valued that bond so deeply that I saw them being killed in front of me because of. During that time, we were so poor, we just kind of robbed in order to eat, in order to survive. And the punishment was death because I was seen as a pest. And that was really deep because. Seen as a pest and seen unwanted by society in bringing that energy in. It's funny how it connects to the energy of coming out when I was 14, and we're talking about a few years ago when it wasn't so accepted and you were judged and you were seeing the people that I looked up to, all of a sudden, they had judgment on me and they would see me differently, and I felt that shift. So it was, like, so profound to see how feelings from that past lifetime connected with feelings of this lifetime. And now I understood more where they were coming from, but it's even deeper than that. So they hurt you on a soul level, which I wanted to bring up this part. And then I'm gonna have Pamela take over to explain a little bit more. But like this morning, for example, I was having a meditation or relaxing, and my spirit team said soul fractal pieces, because my soul was so broken that it had pieces that were left there in that area. So I call them back because I've actually learned how to connect with them. And that's more of a shamanic healing practice. And, Pam, can you explain a little what that is and how that works to bring him back because you offer that service? [00:19:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I would definitely. If you are. If you feel confident in doing this. I. I don't feel like People always have to have a guide with them. But you could see in this example having a guide with you, you were able to go deeper with it and, and I feel like have a deeper healing. So actually I had one too where I had this realization the first time with somebody, a guide on a past life. And then a second time I got more of the pieces and I went, ah, okay, now I can see why this is so big. So as a soul retrieval, basically like Lola was saying is when something is so significant, the trauma is so great, you often die with that or there hasn't been a resolution to that, you carry that forward. And when it has been significant, it's almost like a fractured piece of glass, you could see parts of you left behind. So in a soul retrieval, as a shaman, I'm trained to go in and retrieve that. And I use a guide, an ascended master that I call in. So I have help, it's not just me, I use that guide to help me. And then I energetically go in and I have them help me show me where that is. And through a different energetic tools, I call that forth. And then I blow that essence back into their physical body. And I've asked people like, tell me what you feel afterwards. Because I'm always interested in learning and improving and the feedback has always been very positive, positive and how they feel like more themselves, have more peace. Sometimes the, the analytical part of me will be like, oh, I thought we grabbed all the soul fractals or whatever and you find out there's more. And I went, oh, I didn't know that like this because this isn't just a one and done. I thought it was a one and done. Yeah. So I was like, I already did a retrieval on this person. Like why is there another? And so that helped me to realize, well, it isn't just a one time occurrence. Like healing is sometimes more than just one thing. I will say it's really interesting how we talk about the crumbs and I completely forgot about this till you were talking about it. Which is interesting because I just came from a trip and three of pretty much all my family has had trauma from a very abusive first marriage. And there was a lot of, you name it, financial, sexual, physical, all of this trauma that got carried over into my kids lives and this was something I carried where I had a lot of guilt around. And different kids have been in different places at different times and have gone to therapists well out of the blue without me even knowing the one that hadn't had really a Lot of therapy had connected with this quantum hypnosis person, and I didn't know about it, so I didn't even know she was having this done. Usually they communicate, whatever. So while I'm there, she has a retrieval. She goes into a therapy and she couldn't talk about it for a while. And so to honor her, I'm not going to give a lot of details, but it changed. She's like, mom. Something shifted in me after doing that. Part of that was going back and rescuing her inner child. So as I'm preparing for this trip, something said I was trying to think of something to give him at Christmas time that would be meaningful, but also not too expensive. And I this picture of her as a kid, you know, she's in one of those little plastic cars that you drive, and she's holding on to this little. The cabbage preemie baby. And I thought I heard, take a picture of that. And wouldn't that be cool if you could find the preemie baby? So I go online, I find the preemie baby, I find a little outfit, and I give her this baby with the picture of her framed. And she just started was like, mom, this most perfect thing because she's healing this childhood version and the gift that I was intuitively led to do, she was the very first one, the first child that I was like, how do I bring something positive from their childhood? Which I did with each of them. But she was the only one that I was bringing in this baby. Inner child healing. So she goes to bed at night with this little baby in her arm, and then she wakes up in the morning and her cat's all nestled in next to the baby. And she wakes up and she was like, wow, I just feel so at peace and relaxed. You don't have to be spiritual or even into all this woo woo stuff to just be like, what if. If you even ask yourself, what if? If this feels aligned to you, this could really help heal, you know, many aspects. Maybe not even a past life per se, but just started this one. Like, what is the trauma or things that I've been through that can help heal some of the things I've been through? [00:24:29] Speaker B: Yeah. This recent past is still the past, right? [00:24:32] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:24:33] Speaker B: I do want to get back to the soul retrieval, though. Yeah. Because one thing I didn't understand, of course, I've been working with the same esoteric teacher for 13 years now. So we go into some deep topics that Pamela probably understands. But maybe with her being a shaman, but maybe the people in the Audience, don't. The reason the soul has so many fragments is directly related to the amount of trauma they are experiencing at the time of death. Which is exactly why torture exists, because when the body dies, there's no feeling. But the trauma of going through that remains with the soul after you pass over. [00:25:17] Speaker C: Yes, good point. [00:25:17] Speaker B: So it's not the physical pain, it's the emotional pain that is really the scarring part to the soul. Okay, you guys are agreeing. So, yes, you might be able to address that with some guided meditations or some personal meditations, but if it's really, really deep, like. Like Amaral did hypnosis, a shaman, you know, a trusted counselor of some kind can help, too. But that is why the soul shatters. [00:25:55] Speaker C: You know, it's really interesting, when I was thinking about your particular session, when you found out about some of this deeper work that you've had, it was like it brought back in a connection to the drum. I felt like, to this other Native side that you kind of was in. I don't want to say your conscious, but wasn't in your forefront. You have a lot of Egyptian. You have a lot of other things that were a little bit stronger, but here you are, gifted this Native American drum, right? And you're like, oh. And then you incorporate the prince in your home, and you're integrating this lifetime. But it was so traumatic, this lifetime, that it was almost like. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Yeah. So she helped me with. Within a shamanic journey to get in touch with one of the many lives where I had to grab children and run for our lives. And it was a Native American scene where the. The soldiers were coming and the men were gone, and I was responsible for as many children as I could move out of there. So that's what she did. Yeah. Well, you know, we're actually almost a half hour into this topic, I think, you know, we covered past lives. We got. We got talk about the now moment, manifesting your future. But I think these were real. This. This was really helpful, and I think it was good to have some examples, too. So once you recognize the past lives, you know, you don't have to dwell on them. You just need to accept that it happened. And. Thank you. The lessons, and think that you're healing and then put things in place, start manifesting what you can do to move forward. And manifesting is setting intentions. But then when you're. When you're in that now moment, the present, my understanding is you don't want to keep thinking over and over and over again about the healing and. Or the manifesting, you want to trust the process once you set it in motion. [00:27:58] Speaker A: So I think it's time to connect the dots. So, Meaning, like. [00:28:01] Speaker B: Okay, yes, please. [00:28:02] Speaker A: So first, the reason why we started talking about past lives is because in order to bring new experiences into your life, you have to make space. So what's blocking you from creating that space is those past traumas that you haven't quite moved forward with. Also, a lot of those traumas have to do with literally blocks of how you see your abundance. And I'm saying abundance because abundance covers, like, everything, like, every area of your life. Here's the thing. Abundance can be something as simple as, like, food. Like, having food is abundance. [00:28:38] Speaker B: Yes. [00:28:39] Speaker A: Having health is abundance. So it's like, it's not all just financial. Yes, financial is a resource. But the being in the present moment means opening up that those parts, like those traumas, that. That way you can focus on what you want to bring forth as far as a life experience in manifest. So there's quite a few ways to go about it. But the biggest thing that I really want to mention is in the present moment is the only moment that truly exists, and the only moment where you can heal yourself as well as plant seeds for your future in the thing, like Lola said, that's really important because that was, to me, a big, huge learning lesson, is that we can carry all these stories, right? Like, we can say, oh, when I was little, I used to get beaten up all the time and bullied, and because of that, now I have this trauma. Well, the thing is, it happened for you to learn boundaries, trust, things like that. But it was a story, and you don't want to hold on to that story, because if you hold on to that story, then it stops you from really learning the lesson and from clearing that and from opening up that space for the things you actually want to experience. So what the present moment becomes is this time for you to bring forth with emotions, with frequency, what do you want to experience. And that can be practiced in many different ways. It can be affirmations. It can be just set intentions. I do a lot of journal work. There's so many ways to do it. But as I said, the present time is where you want to do that, where you're gonna be writing about what you want, what life experiences you truly want to experience now. [00:30:48] Speaker C: Exactly. I feel it's hard to be in a creation mode when you're dealing with all of your stuff in itself. Like, you feel full to the brim, and especially around the holidays and These busy times of year, it's like we're all got a lot on our plates, so to speak. And so one of the first thing is like cleaning house, you know, clean that inner inside to make space for the new. And then I see it as one of the things that I've struggled with is clarity. Because it's like, oh, so many things can grab my attention. And I realized if you're not clear, you're going to get not clear results. And the more focused you get, it's interesting how the manifestations just show up right in front of you. So one of the things I noticed was when I'm specifically thinking about something that I want to bring in, how I see it when I go out and it's like, oh my gosh, I was just there thinking about this and then it is. And so that's been really reconfirming to me how important clarity and focus is. So knowing exactly, you know, as close as you can as to what you're wanting. Also, you mentioned intention, visualization, the goal, writing, affirmation. [00:32:07] Speaker B: It's not just in your head and you gotta feel it. [00:32:10] Speaker C: And being in that present moment, attach emotion to it. Yeah, to anchor in in the present moment. And then also the gratitude for what you have now and then letting it go. And then sometimes there's many times where I'm like, this is even better than I even imagined. Thank you for bringing in something better than what my human mind could conceive of. [00:32:31] Speaker A: And so here's another thing too that I want to add to it that it's really important is the letting go of attachment. Attachment can really hold us back. And this is why when you say, oh, I want to bring myself a million dollars, that's attachment. Because you have an amount, you like specifically are saying, like, you're not letting source the universe, whatever you believe in come in and bring you that life experience. Because you're so attached to an amount. So instead say, I want to bring financial abundance in. I open myself up however it needs to be delivered to me. And I always like when you want to bring bigger amounts. Then you say, I want to experience wealth in my life. So things like it's all about how you ask in the present, it's how you release it. And knowing that trust in not attaching to it, it's going to really get them to come your way. [00:33:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I think the word that came to my mind when you were saying attaching would be like, don't try to micromanage it. [00:33:38] Speaker A: Exactly. So even better One time, me being like that used to be the control freak that I was. I was always trying to control everything, right? And so I had a friend that was doing a session on me and he starts laughing and he says, source says that you have been trying to use your energy to manifest your own things. So why don't you calm down, sit down and allow Source to really provide for you the experiences and what you want to bring forth. We cannot do it ourselves, guys. It's all about trusting and letting go. Another thing that I wanted to mention is what. How manifesting is really trusting that it's gonna come up to you. So, meaning your job provides you an income for you to survive. Your trusting in the universe or whatever you believe aligns you with your true alignment and bringing in the life you truly want to experience. Experience. And there's a difference because on one, you have complete trust in knowing that miracles are always happening and can come right into your life if you allow them to. And on the other one, you have a program mentality of my wage supposed to bring me miracles that's never going to happen. So I had to clear those two out because it's interesting how we can get on our own way all the time. And I'm going to tell you guys what happened. It's really cool that I manifested this holiday season for myself. So I had. I. In the past, I've had issues with boundaries. My boundaries was because I'm a hairstylist. I would work myself so hard that my body would feel it, I would be. My back would be hurting, all parts of my body would be hurting. And I thought that was just the way that it worked out. So I set an intention because I'm focusing on myself. I want to take care more of my body. So Source, I'm trusting that you're going to guide me through this season where I'm not burning myself out, where I'm not hurting in where I'm still stable enough that I'm flowing through and I'm bringing abundance into my life. And next thing you know, I told myself, limiting myself of how many clients I do a day, what services I do a day. This holiday season has been a breeze and I've been steady every single day. So that was amazing to manifest. And let me tell you. Oh, and along many other things too. That's just a piece of what I'm saying, that how it works, you just set the intention. You truly are honest to yourself. I also like, you know, like I'm being nudged to say something because when you start out on your spiritual journey, whatever you believe the universe or whatever is going to manifest really quickly because it wants to show you the power within that you have. But then as you get further, you're like, man, it seems like, I'm not getting this. It seems like because, guys, after we learn how to do it, then you have to manifest from true soul alignment. So what's aligned with your heart is what you manifest and you bring forth. And that's where people get so caught up. Because they think, I was able to manifest so quickly. Yes. Because the universe was showing you how to. Now that you have the skill set, you got to go a little bit deeper. Everything connects, and it's hand on hand. It's not like, oh, I want this, and it's just going to appear. It's more like, are you aligned to it? [00:37:11] Speaker C: So true. [00:37:14] Speaker B: One of the things you said earlier about the allowance is to use the word ease, you know, to do it with ease. [00:37:22] Speaker A: Yep. Ease and flow. I love those two words. [00:37:24] Speaker C: Me, too. Me, too. Yeah. It doesn't have to be hard. And I think how much programming we all had in our society about the hustle and the grind and boss of this, and. And it's just like, gosh, aren't we exhausted and tired from that? [00:37:43] Speaker B: That's why the control system tries to do that. [00:37:46] Speaker C: Right. [00:37:46] Speaker B: When we're tired, we can't explore our spirituality. [00:37:50] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:37:50] Speaker B: And manifest beyond. I just want a nap. [00:37:53] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:37:56] Speaker B: I want a hamburger and a nap. [00:37:59] Speaker C: You know, and it's breaking that conditioning of I can have it easy, I can have ease and flow. And I do like that point that you brought up, that once it's in alignment with your soul, how much easier that comes in and feels better. [00:38:13] Speaker B: I did have another thought about that when you were talking about money, because people will set an amount like you said, like, I want. Okay, I'm going to manifest $150,000. Right. You don't want the money. You want the experiences the money gives you and the feelings the money gives you. I want. I would want money for security. [00:38:32] Speaker C: Right. [00:38:33] Speaker B: I like the feeling of security. Amarol would want it to travel. Yes. [00:38:38] Speaker A: I want freedom. [00:38:41] Speaker B: Whatever excites you about what you can do with the money is so manifesting. $150,000 is more of a head game than a heart game. [00:38:50] Speaker C: Right. [00:38:51] Speaker A: And it's so artificial, too, because you're just focusing on the exterior. Like, you have to go within guys. Like that is the key to it. [00:38:57] Speaker B: And then there's always the classic example of somebody who's trying to manifest a certain, like, large amount of money. You know, let's stick with $150,000. And they might get it. But they. A storyline is usually something like, well, they got it because they got hit by a butt and they had to. They got it through a lawsuit after they've been crippled. [00:39:18] Speaker C: Right. [00:39:19] Speaker B: You know, oh, I learned about it. [00:39:21] Speaker C: I learned that lesson. That was one that I was like, oh, there's a lot of ways that this can appear. That is not so. When you say. And you add in ease and flow. It doesn't have to be because. [00:39:34] Speaker B: But also from the heart. [00:39:35] Speaker C: Yes, from the heart. Space is. There's a lot of ways things can show to you. But what, like Willow was saying is what you really want is the blank of what the money provides for you, that resource. So is it freedom? Is it security? You know, the things that you're wanting with that? Because you can actually tap into that frequency now. Right. And you can imagine you having that and go, when was the last time that I had really good security? You know? And thinking about that, there was a time where I didn't have to ever check my bank account for, like, I don't know, six months or something. I was like, that was the best feeling because I was almost daily, like, checking my account, and it creates this head energy and anxiety. [00:40:17] Speaker B: And then the other thing would be to think about, what could I do with this money in the future or this experience in the future. What about the future? That excites me about it. So I think the three of us and even some other people in our community, we. We are all wanting to manifest a community center where we can all do this healing work as people we love and trust. Yeah. So I think all of us keep focusing on that, you know, and how wonderful that would be, you know? Exactly. [00:40:44] Speaker A: I literally mentioned to Lola the other day how, like, I picture the center and I'm like. And it's going to have a greeting, and then when you greet it, you're going to fill up a questionnaire of what you're struggling with. And depending on that, we're going to line you up with this healer and that healer. And it was so funny because I literally had visualized it all, and I was like. And imagine that, Lola, you can be, like, partially going through it. Everybody's gonna need a tarot reading because they're gonna need to know where they're at and what their subconscious is telling them and what to work on next. And then we align them with another. [00:41:12] Speaker B: Healer, and then Might want a drawing of their spirit guide they're working with right now. But you know that that dream has. Is even before I met you, because Samantha set that in place even before I met you guys. So, yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, help us. You guys can join us. You can do a group manifestation on our behalf so we can open this wonderful healing center in Washington. [00:41:36] Speaker C: I think that you're. [00:41:37] Speaker B: Do you hear my voice, though? That's how the manifestation works. You need to apply that emotion and that excitement to it. Yeah. [00:41:44] Speaker C: Yeah. You start to. [00:41:45] Speaker B: It's not just a mental game. [00:41:46] Speaker C: It's a possibility. I love the saying dwell impossibility. Because for so much of my life, it was me feeling like I had to will things to force. [00:41:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:58] Speaker C: You know, Aries are very much in that. It's like, drive, drive. And then you go, oh, I don't have to. This isn't all coming from me. And then you go, oh, what do I. What do I want? And as you expand that, you're like, all this is on the table. So as we go into 2025, I encourage you all to really look at the areas of your life. Financially, physically, emotionally. What are the goals that you're bringing in for 2025 that you're like, I want some more of that. Or, you know, this can shift. And seeing what you do want to call in, what are the things you'd like to see? And focusing on those. On those things, sometimes just I'm surprised ask people, what are you wanting? Because sometimes people don't even know. And so maybe that's just the exercise of discovering what are those things that you want to have happen in 2025. Without attachment, of course. You know, it's just like, this would be great. And I'm. [00:42:58] Speaker B: You know, when your guides come in, they come up with a real pithy saying for what we're talking about. Yeah. [00:43:03] Speaker C: Are you getting one? [00:43:04] Speaker B: Yes. A download. So for past lives, don't regret it. For manifesting, set it okay for the now moment, then forget it. Don't regret it. Set it, forget it. [00:43:21] Speaker A: And there's a few things that just came up too, as, like you were saying, so everything you could ever want, it's already here. The only thing that's stopping you is you aligning to it. So there's the first thing that came up. The other one is frequency. The abundance is a frequency so you match yourself to it. What does that mean? That means that you're feeling abundant, you're feeling happy, you're feeling like you can just take over the world. Meaning, like things are coming to you so easily and flowing, that is opening up to abundance. We actually are the ones that close ourselves to receiving because of whatever made have happened. It stops you from trusting. And then when you don't trust, you're not really connected to that frequency of abundance. Absolutely. [00:44:14] Speaker B: That's why it goes back to like we had an early example about synchronicities. You know, those are the signs that tell you that, oh, what I'm doing is working. [00:44:23] Speaker C: Right. Yeah. I'm on the right path. [00:44:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:26] Speaker C: I'm going on this. My trajectory is right now is. [00:44:30] Speaker B: Oh. The other thing that I've tried to explain to people, especially with tarot, because we work with the elements of Earth in the tarot cards, is that you can shift your mind and your thinking, you can shift your spiritual concepts and you can shift your emotions immediately like that. But then to manifest physically, you have to allow time, because that is something that we deal with here. So you can have that big epiphany. But then that's why being in the now moment so important, because it does take time to crystallize. [00:45:08] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, you don't want to be so much in the future that you're not in the present moment now. And I think what you were saying is, you know, to let it go so that you are in the present moment right now. The other interesting thing that I've noticed, not everything's going to take percolating. Like we come down here. And I think that's the hard part is in other realms that we've been from, it's instant, you know, as far as the star. Right. [00:45:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:33] Speaker C: So you're just like, what the heck? Why is this taking so long? [00:45:36] Speaker B: That's one of their common complaints. And why they don't want. They want to go home. They don't feel Earth is home because why is it taking so long? [00:45:44] Speaker C: Yeah. So it's like this is where mastery is coming in. Why, you know, you come here, it's. There's a slower time delay. It doesn't mean it's not happening, but it also doesn't mean it has to take a long time for it to happen. [00:45:57] Speaker B: But it does take time for something that's energy and ethereal to take material form. [00:46:04] Speaker C: Right. [00:46:05] Speaker A: Here's one about that and taking time, that it will explain it better. [00:46:10] Speaker B: You mean I'm not doing a good job? [00:46:12] Speaker A: No. Let me break it into more basic things so that, that way you understand why it takes time. So when you're manifesting is not what you want that you manifest. You manifest what you become. So that takes work. So that takes your alignment to be aligned with the things you act, the life experiences you want to bring forth. You yourself to feel worthy, you yourself to feel abundant in not allowing your exterior world that is programmed to think a certain way to get you to be disappointed. That was really hard for me because when we have. When we're still part of that whole we're programmed into, the only way you can get things done is hard work. It's hard. It's hard to think that there's that possibility. But once you heal that, then you start to become what you really want to see, what you want to experience. And that's why it takes a while. Because it's like working through all those little loops of, this isn't me anymore. I need to heal this so that I can bring new things. Another thing too is some of us have experienced this, and I'm sure everyone can. Really, I know you two can relate is there'll be those times in your life where you're like, man, everything I thought that was important in my life. All of a sudden, it's like collapsing out of my life. And that's actually an amazing sign because that means that the universe showing you what's not really important, and it's opening you up to receive the things you truly want to experience. And then there's even angel numbers that come to you to show you where you're at. For example, lately I've been seeing 555 like no other, which is the number of changes. So every time I see it, I say, I am open to receiving miracles with ease and flow. I like that. [00:48:14] Speaker B: I say, more, please. [00:48:17] Speaker A: There you go. That's good too. As long as it's not like closing yourself up. You're just opening yourself up. [00:48:22] Speaker C: Yeah. It's so great. The reason why I was thinking of the instant is just I'm observing. I love to observe and notice what you see in other people's lives. And so someone I know had just made a track, moved to a different area. Very first interview, nailed the job. It was the job for them. It was all the things that they had put on their list. And I was like, do you. I remember you talking about this. Here it is in front of them. They want a relationship. Very first date. It's like going swimmingly. And it's all these things that have been on their list. [00:48:58] Speaker B: That's something we didn't talk about. There does need to be one action step to set it in motion. So I guess it isn't completely. Forget it. [00:49:06] Speaker C: Right. [00:49:07] Speaker B: I'm going to retract what I said earlier. So you do forget it. But you do take one action step to show the universe you are serious about this. And that action step doesn't have to be as big as a move, which worked great in that case. But it could be. I'm going to do some research on this. [00:49:25] Speaker C: Yeah, right. [00:49:25] Speaker B: It could be just that simple. [00:49:27] Speaker A: It can be you writing an affirmation of what you want to bring forth so that you're constantly on your mind and you're lining to it. Here's the thing, the action, it gets really confused with hard work. Action doesn't have to be. Hard work is a step forward into what you want to bring forth. [00:49:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:45] Speaker C: Like if you're wanting to change careers. And it's like, I've always been wondering about this, looking it up, maybe calling the school, getting that information. So it's like, oh, I'm one step closer. I already know where I want to go. I already know the school or the program or when it's going to start. It's like getting the pieces together. Because the universe says, oh yeah, I see. She's. She. He's serious and calling that forward. [00:50:07] Speaker B: Yeah. And it could even be as simple as cleaning up your physical environment to make space. Space for like a new place to work or something like that. [00:50:16] Speaker A: I love, like for example, like on setting up an intention for a new home. But you can download a real estate app and then save all the houses that you absolutely love. [00:50:25] Speaker B: Oh, that's good. [00:50:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I actually have that. [00:50:28] Speaker C: I was like, who has this? I wonder. [00:50:33] Speaker B: Now I'm imagining people in the audience do that with dating apps. I want a little bit of that guy and a little bit of that one. Let's put them together. [00:50:41] Speaker C: And it's really true because it's like the only thing that thinks you can't have it is you. [00:50:46] Speaker B: Yes. [00:50:47] Speaker C: This is an abundant world. There's money and resources all around. And this is one of the best times to be here because of all of the resources are literally at our fingertips. [00:51:00] Speaker A: Yep. It's interesting too because if you. Okay, so I watch the movie of the Secret, not the documentary. It's called Dare to Dream. The Secret. Dare to Dream. And it's an actual story and there's a part in it where the main actress in it, she's just feeling defeated in life and she's crying. She's a single mother and she has all these things and her little house Is like physically falling apart. But that part I could so relate to, but in the best way possible, because I realized I was once there. So imagine that concept. So if whatever you feel defeated on, you just acknowledge it and say, okay, I went there, I went through it, I experienced it. Now let me open myself up to the possibilities of what I can create with my life. And I mean, nothing is the end, you guys. That's the beauty of it. It's like you can always send new intentions. Like, even the stuff that you manifest, did you feel, oh, this is gonna make me so happy. You're gonna find it as you grow. You're gonna be like, okay, well, that was great, but now I want to experience this. So then you shift out the new ideas into experiencing that. I. How many of us have had dreams when we were, like, way younger, and now our dreams are way different? It's because everything is changed. There's not a point where you stop in your life and you no longer dream, where you no longer want to experience new things. And that's if you see life with a constant flow and a constantly opening up of doors for you. Because that another thing that was really cool, that just spirit just reminded me is the universe always says yes, but it's up to you to what thoughts you're putting out so that it says yes to. So you can't blame the negative thoughts because you have to be responsible for. And it takes practice, and that's why it takes time. [00:53:05] Speaker B: And clearing the past lives helps you get rid of negative thoughts. [00:53:08] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. [00:53:10] Speaker B: Put this all in place. [00:53:11] Speaker C: Yeah, I saw this thing, and it said something about gratitude for experiencing now what they had. Like, you have now what you thought of, you prayed for. And sometimes that acknowledgement of, like, wait a minute, I'm in a place that I thought of. You know, I wanted to have X, Y, and Z. And so if you aren't also noticing the things that you have in your life that you had once said, I want that, or I prayed for this, or these were the certain things. Whatever. It's like, oh, my gosh, you don't even realize that you have manifested that thing that you. But you moved on to something else. [00:53:48] Speaker B: Before I was spiritual in Seattle, I was waiting at a bus stop. I just gotten my hair cut. My hairstylist had moved to a new place, and it was on First Hill in Seattle. And I'm waiting at the bus stop to go back into town so I can get home. And I'm looking up the street and going, that is so pretty. Look at those trees over there. I would love to live there. Guess where I ended up living? And I didn't even realize that when I bought the condo, it was like, oh, my gosh, that bus stops right down the street. It was exactly what I had been focusing on while I waited for the bus to go. That is in Seattle. That is where I would like to live. [00:54:22] Speaker C: And then. [00:54:23] Speaker B: And I lived on that block. [00:54:25] Speaker C: Right. [00:54:25] Speaker B: How long were you there for in that condo? A few years. Quite a few years. Yeah. [00:54:31] Speaker C: Yeah. And then you came to more trees. [00:54:34] Speaker B: Yes. But, you know, to see pretty trees in Seattle is nice. [00:54:37] Speaker C: Yes. [00:54:37] Speaker B: Okay, so we're, we're got about five minutes left in the broadcast here, so I would like to go back to clearing those past lives so you could move forward, manifest and give, give credit to the good experience you had with Derek Condit. His hypnosis company, business practice. Right, that's it. [00:55:04] Speaker A: Yes. [00:55:04] Speaker B: His hypnosis practice is called Hypnosis Empowerment. He has a website. There are free guided Medicaid medications, no medications, meditations available. And one of them is a guided meditation for. To help you begin the self hypnosis for past life regressions. But also you could always book him too, because he does do online hypnosis too. [00:55:32] Speaker A: Yep. [00:55:32] Speaker B: And then Pamela, you know, if everybody wants to get a hold of Pamela, she's a shaman, so she can help you with these sort of things too. Even a tarot reading. I've done tarot readings ago. Let's find out more about this. A past life. That's a. You know, I could do that too, to get the ball rolling. But the, the point is resources are there. [00:55:52] Speaker C: Yes, yes, absolutely. It's so interesting that when you align how quick it can be. I, I think that's where I'm at right now is seeing how fast things have gotten where before it would take longer. [00:56:08] Speaker A: Yes. [00:56:09] Speaker C: And now I'm like, oh, wow. I just literally thought of that and here it is. So do you think that this is a question? Do you think the timeline shifts? That the new things that, you know, we're going through this Age of Aquarius and they've talked about different things. Do you think that's happening because of like the earth and stuff? Or do you think it's because we are evolving as a collective? [00:56:31] Speaker A: Sorry. [00:56:32] Speaker C: Or your personal journey? Like, is it all three? [00:56:34] Speaker B: I think it's all three, yeah. [00:56:36] Speaker A: Because you have to understand that now the energy is moving so much faster. So faster moving of energy, higher vibration of energy that's happening. It's allowing us to manifest way faster. Again, we want to make sure we, we always manifest. That's the other thing too. [00:56:52] Speaker B: That, yeah, bad stuff. Focusing on bad stuff. [00:56:56] Speaker A: If you're focusing all on negativity, you're going to manifest that kind of life. But it's, it's so interesting how you go from this mentality of like, almost like victimizing you in a way where like, why is this happening and stuff, till you realize, until the moment you realize you are creating your life by your thoughts. [00:57:14] Speaker B: And I think Pamela said like the what ifs, what if I can. That's why, yes, Earth is changing, but the individual has to have that what if I can attitude. [00:57:24] Speaker A: Right. [00:57:25] Speaker B: And I think Age of Aquarius is probably opening more people to that because now that Pisces was all about competition and kind of small, small focus. And now Aquarius is bigger focus for humanity too. [00:57:41] Speaker A: So you know what's so crazy about, like, that's like so simple that I always like, like to share with people is negative emotions drain the life out of you. Like, you feel so drained, and then positive emotions really bring you up and bring more energy. So if you had to choose between the two, which route would you go? [00:58:00] Speaker C: Good ending question. I love that. [00:58:03] Speaker A: Especially when those good go. Good emotions and good feelings is what will manifest even better emotions and feelings. [00:58:13] Speaker C: I mean, you could probably hear it just from the podcast, the sounds of our voice. When you're. When Lola and you were talking about the dream of the community center, you could feel the energy rise in your voices. So it's hot. [00:58:24] Speaker A: It's really hot. [00:58:26] Speaker C: It's a good high vibration energy. So notice how you're feeling as you experience these things. How is it affecting you? [00:58:33] Speaker B: Yeah, it's very different from that. Oh, that'll never happen. [00:58:36] Speaker C: Right. [00:58:37] Speaker A: One little quick thing right before we go that I want to just mention is check yourself, like in the morning. What I say is like, source, help me align my frequency to the frequency of the life experience I want to live. And immediately your energy will shift because you're setting an intention and throughout the day, do it. At first, it'll be a big shift. The more you mellow with it and the more you do it naturally, the less shift you will feel. And that's when you know you reach that point. [00:59:05] Speaker C: Oh, good tip. [00:59:06] Speaker B: Okay, Good way to end the podcast, especially since my computer is making noise and I think it's not going. It could blow up any second. So let's manifest a better outcome than that. [00:59:19] Speaker A: Thank you for tuning in. [00:59:21] Speaker B: Bye.

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